Praise for Ron Sandison
If the world fears the diagnosis of autism, then Ron Sandison’s prescription helps us discover instead how those across the autistic spectrum are variously gifted instruments of the Holy Spirit to accomplish God’s redemptive work in the world. This parent’s guide thus is honest about autism’s challenges but through such opens up windows into unimagined possibilities for us all.

Dr. Amos Yong
Professor of Theology & Missions at Fuller Theological Seminary and author of "The Bible, Disability, and the Church: A New Vision of the People of God"Brimming with insight and compassion, Ron Sandison is a wonderful story-teller. Just like Jesus told stories, Ron uses stories that you won’t forget as a way of conveying important concepts and principles about autism. He weaves together his strong Christian faith with his understanding of his own autism and the lives of others on the autism spectrum. This book takes the reader to a new level of empathy and respect for individuals who live with autism.

Linda Hodgdon, M.Ed., CCC-SLP
International autism consultant, author of best-selling book "Visual Strategies for Improving Communication"Finally the world is starting to realize the many strengths and gifts that individuals with ASD can offer. Ron is a perfect example of the great intelligence we often see in those on the autism spectrum. His book is interesting, insightful, and intriguing. The challenges that he endured in his younger years are unbelievable and his resiliency is incredible. Ron’s book is truly amazing. Every reader will appreciate his honest and captivating stories.

Lynn Kern Koegel, PhD
Director of the Koegel Autism Center at the University of California, Santa BarbaraA Parent’s Guide to Autism is must reading for anyone on the autism spectrum. I learned a lot about how to improve my social skills and become a better team player. Ron gives particularly helpful advice for relatives and friends of individuals on the spectrum on how to help them identify and develop their special gifts and overcome their handicaps. Ron’s Christian pastoral touch beautifully illustrates Paul’s teaching in 2 Corinthians 4 about how all of us, neuroatypical and neurotypical, need to develop the humility and grace to allow God’s glory to shine through our apparent deficiencies.

Dr. Hugh Ross
Astronomer, pastor, president of Reasons To Believe, and author of 17 books on creation
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Welcome to Spectrum!
Did you know that more children will be diagnosed with autism than with AIDS, diabetes, and cancer combined? In America, one in every sixty-eight children is diagnosed with autism. This means that thousands of families will receive the diagnosis that their precious son or daughter has an autism spectrum disorder.
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About Ron

Ron Sandison works full time in the medical field and is a professor of theology at Destiny School of Ministry. He is an advisory board member of Autism Society Faith Initiative of Autism Society of American. Sandison has a Master of Divinity from Oral Roberts University. He has over 10,000 Scriptures memorized including 22 complete books of the New Testament. Ron and his wife, Kristen, reside in Rochester Hills, MI, with their pet rabbit, Babs, and cat, Frishma.